A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Wish…

In getting ready to write this post to promote my newest YouTube episode, I came across the above title in a meme that I had saved. As I sit here and reread this statement in my head over and over it speaks to me. A Kilt and a Cuppa has been a goal in some form for over seven years. What it was to become, I had no idea. In the beginning, it was a way to heal. It was a way to get past the pain of the previous seven years that I had invested into a restaurant that turned its back on me. Now, A Kilt and a Cuppa has evolved into a project that makes me feel good about what it is that I do. I firmly believe that one day it will progress into a full time career move. I have to believe that.

I wrote on social media when I shared my latest post the following:

The thing about creativity is this. It does not always go the way we plan it. It is definitely not always perfect. That is the time when it is the easiest to give up. This time I refused to give up. I pushed myself past my deadline. National Spongecake Day was this past Monday. Any day is the perfect day for a Victoria Sponge Cake (barring the Godforsaken humidity of summer)! Nevertheless here it is. Is it my best work? No. But I am still proud of it. I persevered. I pushed myself to complete it. I learned some new editing techniques. I am nowhere near comfortable doing this. But to quote my new favourite show's main character, Ted Lasso.....“Taking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse, isn’t it? If you’re comfortable while you’re doing it, you’re probably doing it wrong.” For the topic of my YouTube Channel and my blog/website, that quote seems very appropriate. I think it was that show that convinced me to stay in there. It is not about winning, per se, but finding the best version of myself and what I do. This is my best right now. Enjoy.

So, the goal still stands. I need to make A Kilt and a Cuppa viable. I need to make it something. I need to share my message, my talents, and my ideas with the part of the work that enjoys this type of food and culture. That is why I included the Patreon link on the front page of this blog. Please donate if you can. Every little bit helps me learn. It helps me create. It helps me grow this from being an idea into being something great!

Thank you so much!


From Ordinary to Extraordinary…


Getting past the self doubt and the need for perfectionism.